50 Words with Synonyms and Meanings
- Abundant: (Plentiful) - Existing in large quantities.
- Adept: (Skilled) - Very good at something.
- Adorn: (Decorate) - To make something more beautiful.
- Alter: (Change) - To become or make something different.
- Amplify: (Increase) - To make something louder or greater.
- Annihilate: (Destroy) - To completely destroy.
- Apprehend: (Capture) - To seize or arrest.
- Ascend: (Climb) - To go up.
- Astute: (Clever) - Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations.
- Authentic: (Genuine) - Real or true.
- Benevolent: (Kind) - Well meaning and kindly.
- Brisk: (Quick) - Active, fast, and energetic.
- Cease: (Stop) - To come or bring to an end.
- Commence: (Begin) - To start.
- Conceal: (Hide) - To keep secret.
- Concur: (Agree) - To be of the same opinion.
- Consolidate: (Strengthen) - To combine into a single more effective whole.
- Contemplate: (Ponder) - To think about something deeply.
- Decline: (Refuse) - To politely reject.
- Diminish: (Reduce) - To make or become less.
- Disclose: (Reveal) - To make known.
- Diverge: (Separate) - To move in different directions.
- Eccentric: (Unusual) - Slightly strange.
- Elaborate: (Detailed) - Involving many carefully arranged parts.
- Elevate: (Raise) - To lift or move to a higher position.
- Endeavor: (Attempt) - To try hard to do or achieve something.
- Enormous: (Huge) - Very large in size.
- Evident: (Obvious) - Clearly seen or understood.
- Exacerbate: (Worsen) - To make a problem worse.
- Exquisite: (Beautiful) - Extremely beautiful.
- Fabricate: (Create) - To invent or construct.
- Facilitate: (Assist) - To make an action or process easy.
- Fragile: (Delicate) - Easily broken or damaged.
- Garrulous: (Talkative) - Excessively talkative.
- Gratify: (Please) - To give someone pleasure.
- Hinder: (Obstruct) - To create difficulties for someone.
- Illuminate: (Light) - To light up.
- Impediment: (Obstacle) - A hindrance or obstruction.
- Incessant: (Continuous) - Continuing without pause.
- Inquire: (Ask) - To seek information.
- Lethal: (Deadly) - Sufficient to cause death.
- Lucid: (Clear) - Easy to understand.
- Magnify: (Enlarge) - To make something appear larger than it is.
- Meticulous: (Careful) - Showing great attention to detail.
- Mitigate: (Lessen) - To make less severe.
- Obliterate: (Erase) - To destroy utterly.
- Perceive: (Notice) - To become aware of something.
- Profound: (Deep) - Very great or intense.
- Replenish: (Refill) - To fill up again.
- Resilient: (Tough) - Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
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